Force behind human actions
Womb that birth all decisions
Gift to humanity
Even the creator cherish it,
Aah!!Life and death present in it.
Choose life that you may Live.
Where will you end?
Heaven;City of Angels?
Hades;the house of Death?
You may know it from the start.
Just think through where you route
Victor or victim ,which are you?
Light or darkness which you love?
where you end,a function of where you tread.
Choose Christ that you may live.
People become very successful in life,
Some don't reach heights they would have reached,
Some don't move to next levels,
All because of their choice.
Choose right that you may live
Some fulfil God's plan,
Some failed to fulfil,
Some deviated from the plan,
All because of CHOICE.
Choose God that you may live
People end with a happy life,
Some end their lives in regret.
The reason was their choice.
Choose wisdom that you may live.
While some are rejoicing,
Many are regretting.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
Oh!!you think it doesn't matter?
Agony of past mistakes,ask your fathers.
Had i know,they mutter.
Bleeding heart that never heals
A wailing soul,it wont stop.
All these,product of their wale.
Choose well,that you may live
You may look foolish,
You may look stupid,
But your choice today equate your future.
Please choose well that you may live
Written and composed by
Yol Favour

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