Thursday 7 February 2019

Does My Secret Life Matter?

Who are you when people ain't watching?
Sometime last year my friend travelled to a very busy city somewhere in Africa to visit her sister, when she returned from the journey she shared with me an experience that left my "sacramental imaginations" on "repeat mode".

During the visit she saw that the road users obediently danced to the tune of the traffic light during the daytime, as the Road Safety Corps were there to punish defaulters of traffic rules. Nevertheless, something happened one night that made her to ponder and pray, she stood at her window to catch a glimpse of the city at night and she noticed a change of character in the road users, the same motorists that stopped when the traffic light went red earlier in the afternoon were driving when the traffic light screamed with a bright RED colour at night.
Could it be that traffic regulations are meant for daytimes only?
Could it be that the absence of Road Safety Corps sponsored this disobedience; since no one was watching?

Anytime I regurgitate her experience, I compare it with our lifestyles today, we are at our best when people are watching but we are beasts when they are not there.
Matthew 6:6b says,
 "...and your Father who sees in SECRET will REWARD you". 
It then means that God is interested in the way we life our lives behind the scene. Psalm 139 talks about His Omnipresence.

Probably the road users thought no one was watching but my friend was. Anytime you shut down your curtains to masturbate or commit any "secret sin" remember that the curtains of Heaven aren't closed.

Don't conform to the standards of the world! Invest your energy in been good instead of pretending because in order to get well you have to get real.

Are you struggling with a secret sin?
Accept that you are a sinner... and talk to God about it. Just pause now and tell God about that/those sin(s).
You cannot fake righteousness!
You pray in tongues and still use the same lips to gossip?
You preach humility but deep within you are proud?

Your secret life matters! Don't be a saint before the world and a sinner behind them. Selah!

"Where shall I go from Your spirit?
Where shall I flee from Your presence?"
(Psalm 139:7)


Okoko Patricia Amina said...

From the "Ordinaries" of Life.
Thanks Johnstone brother!

Bobmanuel Jackson said...

Thanks brother

Johnstone Kpilaakaa said...

Pat and Bryce! Thanks for reading!

Naomi said...

I love the part where you said, our secret life matters! Don't be a saint before the world and a sinner behind them. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post!

Johnstone Kpilaakaa said...

Thanks for reading ma'am!

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