Thursday 14 February 2019

I Just Had Sex!

"...But I have low chances of getting pregnant"
My head sank as she pointed to her ovulation cycle mobile app on her device.

I kept wondering which world I was in. I just had sex and it wasn't a dream. It all started when she came over to stay at my place that evening, suddenly it started raining, I innocently suggested she stay back since my room is a single room.
We were watching a Christian movie; "I'm in Love With a Church Girl" on my laptop and all of a sudden we were kissing (maybe because of a scene in the movie🤔), I didn't even know when my pants went down. Alas! I had sex!

"Give not your strength unto women, sexual immorality is very common among your age mates today and you really need to be on guard lest you fall", Like King Lemuel's mum, those were the words of my 'discipler' during my last visit to her before I left for the university. I remember laughing about it in my mind, since I felt I was a "Super Christian" (Could it be that Jesus' temptation never came to my mind?_🤔).

I've always seen myself as a good Christian; too good to fall into temptation (but the devil has a special appetite for the elect). At age 16 when I graduated from high school, I was already in ministry, I was filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and I could hear God, in fact I had counselled victims of sexual sin into righteousness. So I often laugh at any advice along the lines of sexual immorality (I didn't even care praying for grace to overcome sexual sin, "I'm beyond it", I thought).

I met this lady at a friend's place a few weeks ago, we casually exchanged contacts and that was all. " Am I going to lose my 'hair' like samson to this strange woman?" I asked as I quietly monologued.
All I needed to do was flee and repent like David did in Psalm 51.

Glory to God! She didn't get pregnant as she "prophesized" earlier, nevertheless this experience has left a scar that keeps reminding me of my loopsideness.

PS: This story is fiction!

What have you learnt?

As for me I learnt that;

1. "The Flesh does NO GOOD THING!". Absolutely! If he didn't glory in his flesh he would have heard and acted on those advices but the flesh beclouded his mind with pride.
 "And the Devil left Jesus for a while..." 
You might have conquered a number of temptations but the devil only leaves for an appointed time; maybe in a lonely hour like the 'super christian' in the story. Deny the pleasure and pressures of the flesh intentionally.

2. Resolve not to defile yourself. Daniel and his friends made this decision; you backup your decision with efforts not excuses.
"As a man thinks in his heart so he is".

3.Define Boundaries: You really need to define boundaries in your relationships (especially with the opposite sex). You don't have any business staying with someone who is not your spouse into the night or in a lonely environment. You also need to Tame your love language, a good understanding of love language shouldn't be ignored in your relationships. People read various meanings from your innocent words and action.
"Abstain from every form of evil"
1 Thessalonian 5:22.

4. Many a people feel that pre(extra)-marital sex is all about pregnancy so the use contraceptives. It's not all about pregnancy! It's about God and His feelings because your body is His temple.

5. Identify your weakness! The devil capitalises on your weakness. Jesus was tempted with food because He was hungry. Identify your weaknesses and ask the Holy Spirit to profer solutions to them.

6. Edit your association; make unbending principles that will shield you from falling, dissociate from anything or anybody that will misguide you. Discipline yourself on your usage of social media.

7. Build an intimate relationship with God (The Holy Spirit)! The Holy Spirit has been sent to help us in all things. When you end your relationship with Him, you shut down His channels of communication.
"He who dwells in the secret place abides forever!".

What have you learnt? Share with me in the comment section!

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