Thursday, 13 December 2018

Blessed by Association

One thing that has been a blessing to me; especially in recent times is ASSOCIATION. In this blog, I will be sharing with you what I've learnt about relationships. Some people hide under the canopy of been introvert and they don't appreciate  RELATIONSHIPS. I pray that this blog, will encourage you to keep and value relationships.

According to Apostle Joshua Selman, 

Relationships are advantageous connections with mutual benefit; it can be human or divine.

 This definition has been my experience and it has triggered me to keep and maintain strategic relationship with God and Man.

Relationship is a pathway to success, nevertheless strategic relationships are the right association to build; 

When Jesus was about to begin His ministry, He made strategic relationships with men of various professions. Also, before He made relationship with men, he kept a relationship with God; because the healthier your relationship with God is the predictable your success. 

The scripture admonishes us to be at Peace with all men because the major ingredient for success is favour, and relationship can access it.

You've already made plans for 2019, I advice that keeping and maintaining strategic relationship should be one of the core goals.

Relationship Quotes!

~ Brain capital without relationship capital cannot be fruitful.

~ Without relationships, your finance will be finite.

~ Relationship is a value adding investment.

~ Nobody is born with relationship and intimacy by default; you work for it. 

~ Relationship can give you access where your qualifications cannot enter.

~ Relationship is a currency.

~ Relationship is a stream of income.

NB: The above quotes were made by Apostle Joshua Selman. 

  "I have friends who I run to anytime I want my ideas to come to life. I have friends I run to when I need a shoulder to cry on. I have friends who care about my spiritual needs. I have friends whom I've learnt a lot from and many more. These are some associations I've been blessed with! 

"If you are a chemistry student and 9 out of 10 of your friends are chemistry students, then something is wrong"

Relationships are advantageous connections with mutual benefits says Selman and by experiences I can't but agree with him. " ~Okoko Patricia 

Review your relationships because an Eagle doesn't work with chickens. As you review your relationships don't look down on people because a phone of 1 Million Naira needs a SIM card of 100 Naira to be more useful.

Value People!

Invest in Relationships!


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