Thursday, 7 March 2019

What To Do This Lent!


The Ash Wednesday begun the Lenten season with familiar but deep words that will cause you to think about where you will spend eternity - Heaven or Hell - because "you are dust and unto dust you shall return". In the words of Pope Francis on Wednesday, "...focus on what is essential" in this season.

"Set your heart on what is in Heaven, where Christ rules at God's right side. Think about what is up there, not what is here on earth"
(Colossians 3:1-2).

Now... How do I do that?
Between now and Easter Sunday, you ought to grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit, such that your whole being won't recover from it for the rest of your earthly days.

It's not all about almsgiving but hospitality goes a long way in GIVING especially when it's done with a clear motive. Help those that are tagged "less privileged" around you. GIVE thanks to God and all those that bless you; quit complaining. GIVE forgiveness; "...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"; until you forgive those who trespass as against you, God will not!

Sometimes God speak through the "hand writing on the wall" you can only know when you read. Read the Bible (and other spiritual literatures" , this kind of reading adds fresh wood to your prayer life such that it won't flicker but light continuously in perpetual burning.
"The entrance of God's words gives light".

Writing enables you keep record of what God is saying per time. The bulk of the information you'll receive from God need to be recorded to enable easy access when needed.

With the hustle and bustle in our physical and online environments, one needs tranquilty from outside and within to enhance good communication with God. Even Chickens don't lay eggs in noisy places. You might decide just take a walk (around a quiet environment; the woods) in the evening and commune with God even as the Holy Spirit broods on you.

This is the whole duty of man. What exalts a man in God's sight is righteousness. I advice that you study Colossians 3 with all brokenness and a genuine desire to break out of the flesh. Let every detail of your life- words, thoughts and actions- be done in the way of the Lord. Be after God's heart in this season; not the pleasure He gives.

As exercise is good for your physical health, so is it with your spiritual man. Don't allow your spiritual muscles to become flaccid. During Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness, He was physically tired but His ability to wrestle and win the Devil is a prove that even though He was physically weak; His spiritual muscles were agile because He was in communion with God in the place of prayer and fasting. You need fasting to compliment your fast because, some "kind" needs both prayer and fasting.

Don't ignore the gathering of brethren, especially in this season. Are you a catholic? Attend "stations of the cross", penitential services and all.
A broom stick can be easily broken but a broom will not!

As you walk with God in this season, always allow Him to judge your heart. Continually priorities quality over quantity. In God's kingdom, it's not how long you do but how well you do! (Ask the widow that used her "little" account balance for offering).

Share with me in the comment box how you are going to spend your lent.
Have a spirit filled lent.
Pax Vobiscum!

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