Thursday 20 September 2018

G R A C E.

Wow!  It's seven days already, I'm happy having you on my blog again. Today, I'll be sharing with you what I learnt from Mogsinor Alex Rebello; he's a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Mumbai.
I'm going to share a life recipe with you, trusting God that the seeds will fall on a fertile soil.
G. R. A. C. E.
1. Giving:
The scripture taught us that it's in giving that we will receive,  in our everyday life; make out time to share your materials, intellect with others. In sharing we will get to learn!
" Freely give,  for freely you've received "
2. Reading:
When you read you get to share in the wealth of the author's experience and knowledge.
Make an intentional decision to be a reader like the Biblical Ezra ( Cf Ezra 7:8-10 ).
It's not all about buying books, but how well do you read and act on what you learnt.
" Study to show thyself approved ".
3. Awakening silence:
We are in a very noisy generation ( on and offline).  Wall gecko according to King Solomon is small but unusually wise;  silence is one of the wall gecko's qualities.
Jesus embibed this recipe throughout His stay on earth; as a follower of Jesus, you ought to do same.
It's not all about a silent external environment but a silent internal environment as well.
4. Contemplating on the Scriptures.
Giving a deep thought to the scriptures is very important. The wealth of one verse in the Bible cannot be exhausted at all. Also, many people miss out on their plans because they didn't take out time to contemplate and make the right decision.
5. Exercise.
Exercise is very important for person for healthy growth. Even as we exercise our physical body; our spirit needs exercise as well.Hence, Jesus advice that " Men ought to pray always " and Saint Paul adds,  " Pray without ceasing ".
Even as we pray, an athlete that raises 10000Kg does more exercise than the one that raises 10kg; therefore, as we're running this Christian race, we might encounter challenges if  we don't exercise more. Jesus said,  " ... but by prayer and fasting ".
As you start this weekend;
Embibe solitude!
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